Thursday, February 27, 2020

Social venture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Social venture - Essay Example To this end, stand for children (2011) notes that they â€Å"train ordinary people to be effective citizen leaders capable of solving problems facing children, both locally and state-wide, by convincing elected officials and voters to invest in and reform vital children’s programs.† With such an organization that has the ultimate aim of investing in people, it is worth investing every little bit of time and resource in it, analyzing its mode of operation, its strengths and weaknesses and how its future can be brightened. Social Problems and Challenges addressed by Stand for Children Leadership Center Stand for Children Leadership Center can best be described as the official mouthpiece of children. This judgment is given from their mode of operation and their social impact agenda. The primary social impact focus of the organization is to influence policy makers and other stakeholders on children issues to champion courses and legislations that seeks the total well-being of the child. The major reason behind the organization’s quest to take up such social responsibility sterns from the fact that according to the statutes of the United States Constitution, children do not have the right undertake such advocacy responsibilities in voicing out what their needs should be. To this end, the Stand for Children Leadership Center (2011) states that â€Å"Stand for Children Leadership Center exists because children in communities across America have no power to influence our democratic system to meet their fundamental needs.† The organization continues to say that for this reason, it has poised its mission to â€Å"teach everyday people how to join together in an effective grassroots voice in order to win concrete, long-lasting improvements for children, at both state and local levels.† This means that the duties of the organization does not target or deal with children directly but then it speaks on behave of children through people whos e voices are recognized by the democratic dispensation of the law. Strategies used in addressing social problems The core word that can be used to describe the strategy used by Stand for Children Leadership Centre is ‘grassroots action.’ To this end, Stand for Children (2011) states that they â€Å"use the power of grassroots action to help all children get the excellent public education and strong support they need to thrive† Stand for Children (2011). This grassroots action involves helping â€Å"ordinary people become effective citizen leaders who use our democratic process to improve the lives of children† (Stand of Children, 2011). Again, in its grassroots actions, the organisation â€Å"Recruit people with similar values; Identify effective, achievable solutions to problems facing their community's children; Educate decision makers and voters to achieve these solutions† (Stand for Children, 2011). Scrutiny of Stand for Children Leadership Cent er’s Strategies in addressing Social Problems – including Projected Social Impact Stand for Children Leadership Center is one of the most respected non-governmental organizations in the United States. Its activities and operations have generally been rated by Charity Navigator to be standard and competitive. This certainly means that social problem intervention adopted by the organization is appropriate and workable. The major strength of the strategy for addressing its social interventions is the fact that it

Monday, February 10, 2020

Choose Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Choose - Annotated Bibliography Example African Americans have always suffered according to the book Gates, Henry L. Life Upon These Shores: Looking at African American History, 1513-2008. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2011. Print. It illustrates some of the troubles they encountered as slaves and soldiers in the 1800s. these issues are also seen in The Revolution as majority of the colored soldiers are not allowed to hold special weapons as they are not qualified and they are black. They are not given the opportunity to escape from the war as their fellow soldiers kill them. Both the movie and the book explain this. The Revolution also indicates that slaves were sometimes confused on the people they supported. This is further explained by the book Smith, Gene A. The Slaves Gamble: Choosing Sides in the War of 1812. , 2013. Print. They were sometimes offered freedom by their enemies or even enticed by money and property. The movie indicates that some of the slaves took the offer only to realize that it was all lies. They found themselves being treated as slaves or even sold as prisoners of war to their previous owners. Smith also indicates that some of the African American who fought in the war of 1812 did not receive compensation or rewards for their participation in the war. Wilson, Joseph T, and Dudley T. Cornish. The Black Phalanx: African American Soldiers in the War of Independence, the War of 1812, and the Civil War. New York: Da Capo Press, 1994. Print, shows that the participation of the African Americans in the war changed a lot of things. For instance, both the movie and the book indicate that the whites started to view them differently. They started to treat them as their fellow human beings and not slaves. There are others who were viewed as brothers to the soldiers. This is seen in the movie as one of the soldiers share a meal with one of the slaves.